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Thin Thinking Podcast

Dec 27, 2022

As we begin ending the year 2022, it's the time of 10 Best and 10 Worst lists and all the end of year reviews. So as you review your year, wouldn't it be nice to really leave your 10 Worst behind so that you are not bringing them along as limiting beliefs into your new year?

So as you review your year, wouldn't it be...

Dec 20, 2022

What are your big bold dreams and goals for 2023?

Have you got them yet or do they need a bit of a nudge?

Have you ever made a vision board--it's a great way to not only create the goals but visually organize them and have them as inspiration all year long.

For the 93rd Episode of Thin Thinking, join me as we dive deep...

Dec 13, 2022

The holiday season is just a blur. Dinner after dinner after dinner. Endless get-togethers with families, with friends or co-workers. 

Just thinking about it may make you want to kick the can down the road to January 1 on your weight release plans because it just seems too tough.

Hold on to the can! Don’t kick it!...

Dec 6, 2022

The holidays bring up so many emotions--both good and bad. 

Now, couple that with all the tempting holiday food around and it’s like watching a slow train wreck of Almond Roca crashing into another train of Peppermint Bark and derailing into the holiday weight gain sea.

So take a deep breath because today, for the...