Aug 25, 2021
One thing I hear all the time as
a weight loss hypnotherapist is "I know how to lose weight, Rita, I
just can't seem to get myself to do what I know I should
Most of what challenges us when we are trying
to lose weight, isn't lack of conscious knowledge.
We know how to lose weight. If it were only that simple.
Aug 18, 2021
I hope you are well and enjoying these last few weeks of summer.
With schools starting up again and some of us heading back into the office, life is getting busier and therefore what is the first thing to go? Self-care of course!
One of the most proven habits for healthy living is meal planning and prepping though...
Aug 11, 2021
I hope that everyone is having a great and fruitful time even in the midst of this hot summer.
In this Episode 22 of Thin Thinking, we explore how to break the afternoon "snacking" syndrome. We created this episode because it was a request from one of our listeners who was challenged by late afternoon cravings on her...
Aug 4, 2021
I hope you are enjoying the new month of August and are having a healthy summer.
I would love to share one of my favorite books with you that gets to the fascinating root of why we overeat (great for vacations or poolside reading).
I mean, have you ever wondered why it feels like sometimes, we are just...