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Thin Thinking Podcast

Jun 28, 2022

I hope that if you are in the US you are looking forward to a nice long weekend to celebrate Independence Day.

While you are at it would you like to declare some independence from 3-day weekend overeating? Because let's face it--there is something about adding that third day that just makes staying focused so damn...

Jun 21, 2022

Have you ever said, “Today, I’m going to change this bad habit!” and ended up not changing it one bit?

We all want to improve ourselves: get healthier, be more productive, spend less time online...

But honestly, no matter how much effort we exert in changing, it can be quite challenging.

You may be wondering why...

Jun 14, 2022

Nothing beats a relaxing vacation, right?

Traveling to a different country or town, away from our stressful and busy lives; a moment to have a break, enjoy and discover new places, cultures, and most especially, FOOD!

We may be thinking we are on a break during vacation but we don’t want our body to take a break from...

Jun 7, 2022

Imagine this scenario…

You’ve been focused on your weight-loss routine - you’ve been working out and strictly followed  your cheating at all. Now, you step on that scale. Unfortunately, your weight has not changed a bit.

Plateaus can both frustrate and humiliate us. They can bring us down and make us...