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Thin Thinking Podcast

Aug 30, 2022

Stress, anxiety and intrusive thoughts–many of us have been struggling with one or more of these things–especially in the last few years. 

Have you ever considered that they all actually might be the same thing??

Join me For the 77th episode of the Thin Thinking Podcast, where psychologist, coach, speaker and author...

Aug 23, 2022

I am going through "The  Change". That is what my mother called her hot flashes as she rolled her eyes and shook her head with a twinge of shame and wiped the sweat from her brow.

For years peri-menopause and menopause have been something we had to endure on our own with dread and shame. It was treated as some sort of...

Aug 16, 2022

Stress, anxiety and trauma–have you ever wondered how the impact of these mental states can impact our neurology?

Join me today in the 75th episode of the Thin Thinking Podcast as I discuss with my guest, Cat Dillon - a Trauma-informed, registered holistic nutritionist and transformational life coach - the role...

Aug 9, 2022

Come on, everyone else is eating it--why can't we?

We are too tired to go to the gym--we'll go tomorrow.

We will be so good on Monday--so let's live it up until then!

Our Inner Rebel can be as seductive and slick as the most expert used car salesman in town. Selling us and our sincere weight goals down the river for...

Aug 2, 2022

Putting off going to the gym...

Waiting until the very last second to get the article written...

Getting last year's taxes filed...and yes, the taxes from the year before filed too...

With our busy lives it's so easy to put things off--sometimes it's necessary.

But what if procrastination has become more of a chronic...